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Medieval Programme 2023

For yet another year, one of the most popular celebrations in Ibiza, the medieval festival, has arrived. As we are used to, the place will be Dalt Vila and it will take place from Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th. The whole old town will be full of life and activities that can be carried out during these days. Here is the complete programme:                                                                                                                                                                                       

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thursday 11

  • 19:00: OPENING. FOR THE DEFENCE OF EIVISSA.Plaza de la Constitució.
    21:30 to 22.30 h.THEATRALISED AREA. The passage of the witches of the Middle Ages. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. Calle Major.
    20:30 h.FLAG DANCING AND PASACALLES. Italian standard-bearers Gruppo Storico Fivizzano. From Plaza de la Catedral to Plaza de la Constitució.
    21:30 h. ITINERATING SHOW OF LARGE FORMAT: The red dragon and his tamers. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. From Plaça d'Espanya square to the Parade Ground.
    21:30 h.SONS MEDIEVALS. A journey through European medieval music (France, Spain, England and Italy). Musicians. Sant Domingo Church.

friday 12

  • 10:30 to 13 h. PROGRAMME FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN MEDIEVAL TIMES. Stroll through the area. Shows by the groups Human no limits and Skaldyr. Es Martell. Port
    11 to 14 and from 17 to 19:30 h. MEDIEVAL CAMP WITH ACTIVITIES AND WORKSHOPS. Talks on medieval clothing, combat tactics, exhibition of weapons. Fencing and chain mail workshop. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. Queen Sofia Park. Zone
    12, 13:30, 18, 18, 19:45 and 21:15 h. FLAG DANCE AND PASACADE. Italian flag-wavers Gruppo Storico Fivizzano. From the Plaza de la Catedral to the Plaza de la Constitució.
    From 12 to 14 and from 18 to 22:30 h. DRAMATISED AREA. The passage of the witches of the Middle Ages. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. Calle Major.
    12:30 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW. The story of the dragon Llamaseca. El Árbol Ashdrog Group. Cathedral.
    13 and 20 h. WRESTLING SHOW. Knight jousting. Celtic Equestrian Group. Queen Sofia Park.
    13:45 h.ITINERATING SHOW OF LARGE FORMAT. The Mushdrogs and their musical hedges. Human no Limits Group. From Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    17:30 h. CAVALLETS DE L'ESCOLA DE MÚSICA I DANSA DE MALLORCA. From Plaça de la Catedral to Plaça de la Constitució.
    17:30 h. CIRCUS AND AERIAL ACROBATICS SHOW. Circusport Group. Plaza del Parc.
    18 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW.Barba Blava and the pirate Malapata. Kairos. Town Hall Cloister.
    18 h. Arabic music. Upsala Group. Plaça d'Espanya.
    18:30 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW: El túnel Mágico and Piecito (The Magic Tunnel and Little Foot). El Árbol Ashdrog Group. Cathedral.
    18:30, 19, 19:30 and 20 h. The adventurous Dalma, a children's storyteller. Del Blanco Producciones. Plaza del Parc.
    19 h. DANCE AND CULTURES OF THE EASTERN EAST. Zorah Leduc and Upsala Arabic groups. From Plaça d'Espanya to the Baluard de Santa Llúcia.
    19 h. LARGE-FORMAT TRAVELLING SHOW. Suru. The warrior elephant and his army. Groups Arifa and La Fragua de Vulcano. From the Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    8 p.m. Plures vultus amoris: Les moltes cares de l'amor. Trobairitz. Sant Domingo Church.
    21 h. Medieval Catalan songs to the Mare de Déu. Enchanted. Cathedral.
    21:30 h. FIRE SHOW Sacred element. Pole Dance Goddesses. Parc Square.
    22 h. LARGE-SCALE NIGHT-TIME FIRE AND PYROTECHNICS SHOW. Human no Limits Group. Reina Sofia Park.
    22 h. ORIENTAL DANCE. Nur Banu. Cloister of the Town Hall.
    22:30 h. MEDIEVAL MUSIC CONCERT. Upsala Group. Santa Llúcia Bastion.
    23:30 h. PAGAN MUSIC CONCERT. Daridel Group. Santa Llúcia Bastion.
    0:30 h. CELTIC MUSIC CONCERT by Skaldyr Group. Santa Llúcia Bastion.


Saturday 13

  • 11 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 7.30 pm. MEDIEVAL CAMP WITH ACTIVITIES AND WORKSHOPS.talks on medieval clothing, combat tactics, exhibition of weapons. Fencing and chain mail workshop. Vulcan's Forge Group. Queen Sofia Park.
    11:30 and 17:30 h. CAVALLETS DE L'ESCOLA DE MÚSICA I DANSA DE MALLORCA. From Plaça de la Catedral to Plaça de la Constitució.
    12 h. The jumping dwarf. Eivissa School of Arts and Crafts. Cloister of the Town Hall.
    12 to 14 and from 18 to 22:30 h. THEATRALISED ZONE. The passage of the medieval witches. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. Calle Mayor.
    12:00, 13:30, 18:00, 19:45 and 21:15. FLAG DANCE AND PARADE. Italian standard-bearers Gruppo Storico Fivizzano. From Plaza de la Catedral to Plaza de la Constitució. 12:30 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW: The Magic Tunnel and Little Foot. El Árbol Ashdrog Group. Cathedral.
    13 and 20 h. WRESTLING SHOW. Jousting of knights. Celtic Equestrian Group. Queen Sofia Park.
    13:45 h. LARGE-SCALE TRAVELLING SHOW. The warrior elephant and his army. Groups Arifa and La Fragua de Vulcano. From Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    17:30 h. CIRCUS AND AERIAL ACROBATICS SHOW. Circusport Group. Plaça del Parc.
    18 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW: No vull ser princesa (I don't want to be a princess). Kairos. Cloister of the Town Hall.
    18 h. Arabic music. Upsala Group. Plaça d'Espanya.
    18:30 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW. The story of the dragon Llamaseca. El Árbol Ashdrog Group. Cathedral.
    18:30, 19, 19:30 and 20 h. The knight and the tiara. Del Blanco Producciones. Plaza del Parc. Zone 9
    19 h. LARGE-FORMAT TRAVELLING SHOW. The call of the orcs. Human no Limits Group. From the Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    19 h. BALL PAGÈS. Colla de sa Bodega. Plaça de la Constitució.
    30 h. CONCERT. Medieval Market. Cor Ciutat d'Eivissa. Cathedral.
    19:45 h. EXHIBITION AND PARADE OF RENAISSANCE DANCES. Escola de Música i Dansa de Mallorca (Music and Dance School of Mallorca). Sant Domingo church to Plaça de la Constitució square.
    30 h. CONCERT. Eivissa Ensemble. Convent Sant Cristófol.
    21 h. CONCERT. Cants Medievals catalans a la Mare de Déu. Encantades. Sant Domingo Church
    21:30 h. FIRE AND JUGGLING SHOW. Human no Limits Group.
    21:30 h. The red dragon and his tamers. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. From Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    22 h.MUSICAL CONCERT. Music between the 14th and 18th centuries. Antic Balafia Ensemble. Cloister of the Town Hall.
    22 h. LARGE-FORMAT NIGHT-TIME FIRE AND PYROTECHNICS SHOW. Human no Limits Group. Queen Sofia Park.
    22 h. FIRE AND PYROTECHNICS SHOW. Reina Sofía Park.
    22:30 h. MEDIEVAL MUSIC CONCERT. Upsala Group. Santa Llúcia Bastion.
    23:15 h. PORTUGUESE MEDIEVAL MUSIC CONCERT. Sirigaitas Sirigaitas Pipe Band. Santa Llúcia Bastion.
    0 h. CELTIC MUSIC CONCERT. Grup Skaldyr. Santa Llúcia Bastion.
    0:45 h. PAGAN MUSIC CONCERT. Daridel Group. Santa Llúcia Bastion.

sunday 14

  • 11 to 14 and from 17 to 19:30 h. MEDIEVAL CAMP WITH ACTIVITIES AND WORKSHOPS. Talks on medieval clothing, combat tactics, exhibition of weapons. Fencing and chain mail workshop. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. Queen Sofia Park.
    11:15 h.CAVALLETS DE L'ESCOLA DE MÚSICA I DANSA DE MALLORCA. From Plaça de la Catedral to Plaça de la Constitució.
    12 to 14 and from 18 to 22:30 h. THEATRALISED ZONE: The passage of the medieval witches. Group La Fragua de Vulcano. Calle Major.
    12:00, 13:30, 18:00, 19:45 and 21:15. FLAG DANCE AND PASACALLES.Italian flag-wavers Gruppo Storico Fivizzano. From the Plaza de la Catedral to the Plaza de la Constitució.
    12 h. MEDIEVAL EIVISSA CONCERT. Ciutat d'Eivissa Symphonic Band. Cloister of the Town Hall.
    12 and 19 h. ITINERANT LARGE FORMAT SHOW. The Call of the Orcs. Human no Limits Group. From the Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    12:30 and 13:00h. MEDIEVAL PAYES DANCES.Sabrina Dance Center. Cathedral.
    12:45 h.EXHIBITION AND PASACALLES OF RENAISSANCE DANCES. Escola de Música i Dansa de Mallorca (Music and Dance School of Mallorca). Church of Sant Domingo.
    13:30 h.CHILDREN'S SHOW. The story of the dragon Llamaseca. El Árbol Ashdrog Group. Cathedral.
    13:45 h. Large-format touring show. The mushdrogs and their musical hedges. Human no Limits Group. From Plaça d'Espanya to the Parade Ground.
    17:30 h. CIRCUS AND AERIAL ACROBATICS SHOW. Circusport Group. Plaça del Parc.
    18 h. CONCERT. Arabic music. Upsala Group. Espanya Square.
    18 h. El enano saltarín (The Jumping Dwarf). Eivissa School of Arts and Crafts. Town Hall Cloister.
    18:30 h. CHILDREN'S SHOW. The Magic Tunnel and Little Foot. El Árbol Ashdrog Group. Cathedral.
    18:30, 19, 19:30 and 20 h. The adventurous Dalma, a children's storyteller. Del Blanco Producciones. Plaza del Parc.
    19 h. BALL PAGÈS. Colla de Vila. Plaza de la Constitució.
    21:30h. Fire and juggling show by Human no Limits Group. Parc Square.
    21:30 h.THE FINAL COUNTDING. Great parade with Suru, the warrior elephant and other characters. Groups Arifa and La Fragua de Vulcano. From Plaça d'Espanya to the Parc d'Armes.Programa cedido por: DIARIO DE IBIZA
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