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Activities in the air in Ibiza: Have a good flight!

Ibiza is a leading tourist destination for many reasons: its beaches and coves, gastronomy, nightlife... And sport!

Today we show you 3 activities in the air in Ibiza that you can do safely and without experience.

Fly in a balloon in Ibiza

ballooning in ibiza

Ballooning in Ibiza is a quiet and unique experience that allows you to enjoy spectacular views of the island.

You get in the basket. You look up: the huge hot air balloon lifts you into the sky. Likewise, you can feel the breeze and the gentle movement of the hot air balloon. Fleets.

This activity takes place early in the morning or evening, when weather conditions are more suitable. First, you will meet the Ibiza en Globo team at the place they indicate. Then, you will embark on the balloon basket and, when everything is ready, the balloon will start to rise. It's that simple.

How exciting!

Parasailing: sea and sky at the same time

parasailing en ibiza

It is an activity in which you are lifted into the air while being attached to a parachute towed by a boat. You do not need previous experience, since a team of professionals will take care of everything

You can enjoy parasailing on various beaches and coastal areas. First, you will be equipped with a safety harness, and you will get on the boat that will take you out to sea. Once the boat is in position, you will be lifted into the air while the parachute deploys. You will enjoy an exciting flight, with panoramic views of the beaches, the sea and the skyline of Ibiza.

The duration of parasailing in Ibiza may vary depending on the company and weather conditions. Parasailing flights usually last between 10 and 15 minutes, but you can also find options with longer duration.

Interesting, right?

Paramotor: excitement in the heights

paramotoring in ibiza

Paramotor in Ibiza is an exciting activity in the air that allows you to fly in a motorized paraglider and enjoy stunning panoramic views of the island. You will be able to enjoy the freedom of flight in the air while having control of the engine to head to different places.

What is the process like?  First, you will receive brief training on how to use the equipment and basic flight techniques. Then, you will take off with the instructor with the engine on your back and the paraglider deployed. As the engine propels you into the air, the paraglider will deploy, and you can enjoy an exciting flight in which you can explore the island.

An impressive way to discover Ibiza. Do you dare?

Discover the B-side of Ibiza

We hope you found these activities in the air in Ibiza interesting.

Remember that you can discover more at our blog, or consult our list of trusted partners who offer services by land, mar and air so you can enjoy the island in your own way.

Choose your own adventure!

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